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Overview of the H2 Math syllabus and quick tips on preparing for the exams

Writer's picture: Zenith Education StudioZenith Education Studio

The jump from O Level to A Level Math is pretty significant for most students, and this is especially so for those pursuing JC Math at a H2 level. The increase in levels of complexity, technicality, and content required to tackle the questions more often than not leave students frustrated because they are tuned to thinking and answering at a lower level in their secondary school papers. Nevertheless, taking up H2 JC Math is an informed choice that will open many doors for you in the future, since a large and growing proportion of careers seek talented individuals who can analyze and critique contemporary issues from a mathematical lens. That is why our dedicated educators here at Zenith, the top JC Math tuition center in Singapore, have pieced together an informative guide to ease your transition into the A Level Math environment.


The foremost difference that most JC Math students notice is the lengthier time limits given by Cambridge to complete the A Level Math papers. Standing at a grand total of 6 hours, with papers 1 and 2 taking up each 50% of its duration, it’s safe to say that much more is expected from you, in terms of active recollection and application of the learned concepts. In contrast, the O Level paper’s time limit totals four and a half hours - which is much less rigorous by comparison. A noticeable difference is that at the A Levels, mathematical skills have to not just be learnt but actively applied to novel question types. On top of that, each question may require an integration of skills from more than one topic, which is what makes JC Math fluid and dynamic.

As for the two main categories of topics, H2 Math is split into Pure Mathematics (relating to theories, concepts and formulae), and Probability & Statistics (more applied data-gathering tools). With regard to the total mark distribution, Pure Mathematics takes up 70% of the final A Level Math grade compared to just 30% for Probability and Statistics. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that you place increased emphasis on scoring well for the Pure Math portions of the paper, since that is where the bulk of your grade is allocated to. This is not to say that you should neglect the Probability and Statistics section of your paper, because that has traditionally been what most JC Math students rely on to boost their final grade (due to the arguably less challenging nature of the questions). But fret not, Zenith’s specially curated JC Math tuition programme will equip you with the necessary skills to navigate the choppy waters of A Level Math!

Understanding the nature of the questions

Arguably one of the most fundamental steps that help propel A Level Math students to their desired distinctions is the ability to categorize and analyze the requirements of each chapter in the A Level Math syllabus. That is an important skill that Zenith’s JC Math tuition programme aims to impart to you, because the wide variety of chapters in the syllabus calls for a systematic and coherent approach to tackle every specific one of them.

The first skill that we often emphasize is being able to accurately visualize certain topics that are more inclined towards 3D model building and/or graphic representation. This relates immensely to the chapter on vectors, where intense levels of imagination are needed to visualize the representation of the vector models in space, and subsequently solve them. Simply reading the theoretical concepts (i.e the vector’s basic properties; its scalar and vector products; and the distance between lines and/or planes) would not suffice; you need to actively understand their relationships visually in order to be prepared for the tricky questions the A Level Math papers inevitably come up with.

Another chapter that our JC Math tuition programme identifies as visualization-centric is the graphs and transformations chapter under the pure math portion of the A Level Math syllabus, where questions often require students to sketch complicated graph models. Apart from visualization topics, there are chapters inclined towards the application of content in a real-world scenario. For example, those in Probability and Sampling, where very real-world samples of data are given to students for them to extract and interpret relevant inferences from the data in question. This ties back to the concept of application because such questions are often related to the fields of healthcare, banking, science, and a whole host of others. Thus, it is crucial that you understand the context in which the questions are steeped in so as to be able to combine their theoretical knowledge learnt with the ability to apply such concepts in the broad and authentic fields that chapters like Probability and Sampling span.

Lastly, the third branch of chapters are concerned with mindful practice. Chapters like Maclaurin’s series and complex numbers emphasise heavily on practice, because the same formulas are tested question after question with few modifications to its underlying structure. As the top JC Math tuition programme in Singapore, Zenith empowers you to be able to differentiate and dissect the various question types effortlessly.

Fig 1. A brief summation of the A Level Math chapters

Having a study plan

You may be adept at classifying the above chapters (as in Fig.1) by their nature, but that skill has to be coupled with a sound and constructive study plan. That entails long-term planning in terms of revision and learning. Without an orderly list of work to complete, it is inevitable that you will arrive at the A Level Math examinations tired and all burnt out. For example, you should allocate dedicated slots of time to study sessions, preferably once in the morning, afternoon, and night on weekdays, in between meals. That should be more than adequate time to brush up on your weak points and put in consistent hours of mindful practice. You could also, for instance, study different chapters at the various time slots of the day, so as to ensure that you do not get too overwhelmed by any one specific chapter. Perhaps you could aim to clear visualization-heavy topics in the day while the mind is still afresh, and seek to complete application and practice centric topics during nightfall. It never hurts to be well prepared for your A Level Math papers, because it adds structure to your learning and allows you to tackle each chapter with increased foresight and analysis.

Adopt good note-taking habits too, to complement and add value to your study sessions. Note-taking would be especially pertinent for topics that make use of many different sets of concepts and equations (i.e. calculus and hypothesis-testing), as it ensures that you understand the key formulas of theory-heavy chapters. On top of that, identifying popular questions types/trends in the A Level Math ten-year series may be extremely beneficial, especially for the correlation and linear regression chapter, where real-world explanations for the patterns in the graph can be recycled from previous year papers. The H2 JC Math tuition programme offered at Zenith aims to foster such healthy study habits, while providing a vibrant and supportive learning environment to ensure that students feel at home during study sessions.

Be exam smart

Another critical tip Zenith recommends is to make the most of your time for the duration of the H2 A Level Math paper. This includes managing your time well, which many students tend to overlook. In reality, over-allocating time on one question will inevitably have a domino effect on later parts of your answers, since questions at the H2 level tend to take up 2-3 foolscap papers’ worth of space. It is also of paramount importance that you do not take shortcuts and skip important steps in your workings, especially for the chapter on integrations where “show” questions (Fig. 2) are abundant.

Fig 2. A typical “show” question at the A Level Math examinations

Such question types demand for a systematic and meticulous display of workings. Any shortcuts may lead to a correct final answer being penalized because workings are absolutely essential in the Cambridge mark scheme. Minimizing the amount of careless mistakes and calculation errors can also make or break the distinction for aspiring students, as entire lines of calculations can be affected by silly errors at the start of the question. Above all, be certain to write neatly and legibly so that the A Level Math marker can read and interpret your workings without difficulty, for workings that are an eyesore tend to have a negative impact on your grade. That is why Zenith’s JC Math tuition programme trains students to develop positive exam-management skills, allowing them to minimize unwanted and unnecessary errors. At Zenith, our experienced tutors will go the extra mile to guide you in this aspect.

With the above tips in mind, some might ask: why study H2 Math? For one, the job prospects are bountiful. You can dive into the world of tech as a data scientist, machine-learning engineer, or software developer; you can venture into the realm of finance, becoming a quantitative analyst or accountant; you can pivot into the field of architecture as a construction project manager... The possibilities are endless! Such is the beauty of Mathematics, and the H2 A Level Math syllabus sets you up to pursue such career options in university. Being the top JC Math tuition centre in Singapore, Zenith makes sure to nurture the mathematical side in each and every student so that they can tackle their A Level Math exams with confidence and diligence.

We hope you’ve found this A Level Math guide and tips insightful. Click here to be part of Zenith’s JC Math tuition program today!




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